Link Documents to Other Documents
Covered by this topic
The Enterprise Health system has the ability to link one document to another document, whenever necessary. For example, a radiology report may be linked to an x-ray image. Performing this type of link can be done from either the document properties or multi-review screen of the E-Sign module.
Link via Document Properties
To link a stored document to another from the document properties, first find the document needing linked. Once located, click the Properties link in the document header.
After the page loads, scroll down to the Document Is Linked To section. Here, users can view what documents are currently linked to the document in context, if any.
To add a document link, click the Add Link hyperlink next to the section header.
Once clicked, the Document Linked to Document page will load, with fields available for defining the document being linked and the type of link being created.
The Link Type dropdown allows users to define types of links between documents, if necessary. Generally, the Is Linked to option is chosen, by default.
The Linked To field is used to define the document being linked to the document in context. Simply begin typing the document ID to populate the appropriate document being linked. If the document ID is not known, simply use the help bubble
to utilize the search feature, to find the appropriate document ID.
A Comments field is provided for users to enter any comments pertaining to or necessary of the link type and documents being linked.
After filling in the fields, click the Add button to the right of the screen. Once clicked, the new link will be displayed in a ListEdit view, above the linking fields. This allows multiple documents to be added, if necessary.
Continue linking documents, as needed, clicking the Add button after each one.
After all documents have been linked to the document in context, click the Save button to signify completion and to save all entries. Once clicked, the page will refresh with the Documents Linked to Document section displaying all links to the document in context.
Users may continue to other areas of the chart as needed, or they may click the Back to Properties link in the upper-right corner, to return to the document properties.
Link via E-Sign
When a user has documents in the Pending Reviews tab of the E-Sign module, the document being electronically signed can be linked to another document, if needed. Sometimes, it may also be necessary to add another document to the chart, when e-signing a document. For example, an MRI Report is pending a review and e-sign, however, the user wishes to create a note in the chart, regarding that MRI Report being e-signed. Instances like these can be easily addressed from the E-Sign module, as well.
When addressing Pending Reviews, users can go directly into the document to e-sign, or if multiple documents need reviewed, users may use the Multi-Review feature. For a refresher on working the e-sign queue, check out the Pending E-Sign Reviews help documentation.
Regardless of the method used, the ability to add a document to the chart while reviewing and e-signing documents can be done using the quick links found at the bottom of each document being reviewed. Click the Add Document link to add a new document into the chart before signing the marked document.
After clicking the Add Document link, a new window/tab will open and display the Add Document module within the chart.
With the pending document still open in the previous window/tab, select the specific document type that needs added to the chart from the Add Document screen. The document type being added will be linked to the document being reviewed in the E-Sign module.
After selecting the new document type to add (e.g., Doctor Note text document), the Add Document Properties screen will load. Here, the Document Links section will display the link of the new document being added Is a Reply to the document being reviewed. Once added, the user can finish the review and e-sign the original document in the previous window/tab.
For more information on the E-Sign module and working the queue, please visit our directory of E-Sign help documentation.
Unlink a Document
Sometimes a document will no longer need linked to another document. Unlinking documents is just as easy as linking.
Locate the document needing unlinked. Click the Properties link in the document header. Scroll down to the Document is Linked To section, where all document links are listed, and simply click the Add Link hyperlink, found next to the section title.
The ListEdit will load showing each of the links that exist for the document. To remove a link, locate the specific line item of the link type and document, and click the minus [ - ] button found in the Options column.
Once clicked, the system will strikethrough the line. If an incorrect line was selected, simply click the plus [ + ] button found in the Options column, and this will reverse the action.
When finished, click the Save button to save all changes. After the page refreshes, users may continue working in the chart, or to get back to document properties, simply click the Back to Properties link found in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Enterprise Health Documentation
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