Allergies Intolerances Encounter Section

Beginning in the 202403 release, users will no longer be able to click on the Allergy/Intolerance Encounter section and add/edit allergies in legacy mode. Users must use the new Quick Lists, located on the right-hand side of the encounter section to add/edit allergies.

The Allergies/Intolerances encounter section displays by default in the visit encounter Subjective. If the patient/employee has known allergies/intolerances, the allergy/intolerance will display in a bulleted list on the left side of the Allergies/Intolerances encounter section. Hovering over the allergy list will display options to manage each existing allergy/intolerance.

Opens the Edit Allergy/Intolerance screen. Users can modify existing allergies/intolerances, add start/end dates, as well as Add a note or Add a task. Users may also view revision history, notes, and task history.

Opens the Delete Allergy/Intolerance screen. Users will be required to click the Delete button a second time to verify that they truly wish to delete the allergy. Additionally, users may view revision history, notes, and task history.

Opens the Notes screen.Users can add notes to the specific Allergy/Intolerance. When a note is added the note will display in the encounter.

Previously added notes on the allergy/intolerance will be dated and displayed in gray under the Add a new note entry box upon editing or adding additional notes.

Opens the Add Task screen. Add Task allows the user to task a department or individual user with a task note regarding this allergy/intolerance.

Click to drag and drop and reorder the allergy/intolerance as they display on the Allergies/Intolerances list.

No Known Allergies

Use the “+” button in the Quick List to add No Known Drug Allergies (NKDA) to the encounter. For clients on 202403 and newer, the option to add No Known Animal Allergies (NKAA) is available as well.

Using the Allergies Intolerance Quick List

Click the “double arrow up or down” icons to open/close all Quick List items in the Allergy/Intolerance encounter section all at once. Or the “single arrow up or down” to open or close each individual Quick List section.

Click either “+” button to add a new allergy or an allergy not already populated on the Quick List. Adding allergies in this method will open the Add Allergy/Intolerance screen and the user may use the autocomplete to search for an allergy.


Begin to type in the name of a specific allergy in the Search field, then click the “+” button.

When using the Search field prior to clicking the “+” button, the user will see a partial list of options in the Add Allergy/Intolerance screen. If the search option is not used in the Quick List, and users simply click on the “+” button, the allergy dropdown will not pre populate with options. Once the Add Allergy/Intolerance screen displays, select an option from the allergy name dropdown list or begin typing the allergy name.

It is recommended that users select from predefined options from the dropdown allergy name field. Items in the dropdown are stored as coded/structured data within the system. The system will allow users to enter free text, however when done so, this data is not structured and limits reporting capabilities.

Add Allergy/Intolerance

Once the allergy Name has been entered, indicate by radio button if it is an Allergy or an Intolerance.

Begin typing the type of reaction encountered by this allergy. The Reaction** field will accept free text, however, selecting from the autocomplete is recommended. To the right of the Reaction field is a drop down for Severity. Severity options include, Mild, Moderate or Severe. Comments may be added in the Comments field, as well as a Start Date and End Date, if applicable.

If the allergy entered is common and you would like to add it as a default choice to the current encounter Library, click the Save to Library button. This will only add the allergy to the library and it will not add it to the encounter.

Click the Save button to add the allergy to the patient allergy list. Click the Add Another to save the allergy to the patient allergy list and refresh the screen to immediately proceed and add another.

See additional help documentation on the system default Library and adding custom libraries to prepopulate the Allergies / Intolerance Quick List with predefined defaults for end users.

Enterprise Health Documentation

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