Basic Transcription - All Users
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In the Dictation tab pending screen:
If the Physician used the phone to dictate or the general add dict link in the Dictation module (and not in a specific patient’s E-Chart), it will not show patient’s name or DOB.
If the Physician used the SpeechMike or microphone into Enterprise Health directly and in the specific patient’s E-Chart, it will show patient’s name & DOB.
Transcribe Dictation (No Patient Name Identifier)
Log into Enterprise Health and click on Dictation tab on left sidebar menu.
The screen will open to the All Pending tab of dictation jobs to do that are unassigned. By default, you view only unassigned dictation files. To view All Pending or your Assigned Pending, click on the underlined Assigned or All link right under that chart tab name at the top.
If you wish to grab an unassigned dictation to do, simply click grab. If you wish to assign dictation to someone then use the Select buttons below the list of unassigned dictation (see other instruction pages).
Click Assigned to view the dictation assigned to your username. This is the same view as My Pending tab.
To work on a dictation:
Click [Grab Next Job] towards the middle top of the screen. Or grab next to the specific individual job in Dictation ID that you want to do. This locks the job to you, so no one else can work on the same patient.
The MIEPlayer box will pop-up and automatically start playing. (Unless you have set the config to not automatically start playing each dictation. See instructions on next page.)
Listen to the dictation and then hit stop after the doctor dictates the patient name or MR#. You can search by patient’s name by typing in the last name of the patient and the field will auto-complete and give you patient choices w/ that name. Select the patient from the drop-down choices. Or you can search by birthdate or MR#, etc. (Click the help icon for other search methods).
After you select a patient for this dictation to be linked to, it will say UNDO next to the patient’s name. Click this if you selected the wrong patient.
Now that you have specified the dictation to a patient’s file, click add doc link next to the patient’s name. If the Job Type is already specified, that particular document tied to that job type will open after you click add doc.
Choose your template type if there is a choice (word, text, etc type of document).
Fill out the box of information of service date & location and click Submit.
Then it opens the template. Click on MIEPlayer again to start playing the dictation. Start typing in the template
There is also an add enc link next to the add doc link. The add enc link will only show if there is ajob type for the dictation and if there is an encounter visit type associated with the job type.
If you right click on the MIEPlayer in the red/beige area right above the “faster/slower” and scroll to click on Config.
There is a box where you can enter the number of seconds you would like to “backup how many seconds on stop”. You can then set it for 2 or 3 seconds so that when you hit stop, you can auto-rewind when starting. To make the MIEPlayer not play the dictation automatically when grabbed/opened, there is an option to make it not automatically play. Un-checkmark the box next to Automatic Play then click the OK box. If this is un-checkmarked, then each time you grab/open a dictation, it will not play automatically. You would initiate play by hitting the foot pedal or using the mouse to click Play on the MIEPlayer.
Jobs do not auto-complete unless you use the ‘grab’ or ‘grab next job’ option. If you do not use the ‘grab’ option, you must click on edit next to each job and change to completed.
When you are done with the dictation in the MIEPlayer, click any of the following options:
- Pending: When you have grabbed a job, it marks it with your user id, then if you click Pending, it will put it in the Pending tab.
- Complete: Marks it completed and places it in the Completed tab.
- Continue: Marks the one you are working in as Completed and then grabs the next job that is in order.
If you just X out and close the MIEPlayer without selecting any of these status’ then it will automatically put it in the ‘In Progress’ dictation tab. It is still considered open. It says in red towards the top “You have job #### marked in progress’. It will stay in the IN PROGRESS tab forever until you go back in and move it to the correct status.
To move it: Go to IN PROGRESS tab and find your job. Click on edit next to the job you want to move in Dictation ID column. Find the field called STATUS and use the drop-down arrow box to select the correct status to move this dictation. Click MODIFY when done. It will then move it where you specified.
Transcribe Dictation (Birthdate Identifier But No Patient Name Identifier)
If you grab a dictation that has a birthdate entered, but no patient name, it will show the patient’s birthdate in the last,first name column in the dictation pending queue. This means whoever did the dictation did not dictate within the specific patient’s chart, or they didn’t search and attach a patient’s name, they just entered the patient’s birthdate.
It is up to you now to find the specific patient after you grab the dictation.
After you grab the dictation, you will see the MIE Player window open. It will begin playing the dictation. You can stop it so you can work on the patient identifier.
In the Patient field you will see ex: #09081929. This is the birthdate of the patient. It is not an mr# or any other kind of number.
Simply place your mouse on the patient field (where the birthdate is entered) and click one time. It will then pop-up a list of patient’s w/ that matching birthdate. You can then select the appropriate patient by clicking on the patient’s name from the drop-down list of choices.
As soon as you do that, it will insert the patient’s name into the patient field and have the choice UNDO next to it.
If you have selected the wrong patient for this dictation, simply click UNDO and it will clear the field and you will have to search by birth date or name manually for this patient’s dictation.
Continue to listen to dictation, add/upload a document and complete the dictation.
Edit a Dictation
Find the dictation, and click edit on the dictation job you want to change. (If you have security role access)
- Current Patient: Shows the current patient this dictation is currently linked to. If no patient is identified to the dictation, it will say None Currently Set.
- Move to Patient: You can change it to a different patient by searching for a patient’s name, MR#, etc and selecting it.
- Comment: You can edit a comment and it will show up in the comment column of the dictation job.
- Priority: You can edit the priority level
- Job Type: You can edit the job type.
- Encounter ID: You can link this dictation to a specific encounter id stored for the patient by entering the encounter id number.
- Transcriber: Shows the username of the person transcribing this dictation job. If it is your username, you can click release job to release the job and it will un-mark this dictation as your user id in transcriber. It puts the dictation back into the queue for anyone to grab & complete.
- Physician: Can change the physician that dictated this.
- Service Date: You can edit a date.
- Location: Can change the location for the dictation.
- Task ID: Can link the dictation to a specific task id by entering the task id number.
- Document IDs: A dictation can be associated to several different documents (and vice-versa). This listedit allows the user to link (and unlink) any number of documents to this dictation.
- Status: You can move the dictation to a different tab. Use the drop-down arrow to select the status.
Click MODIFY when done. It will then say Dictation Successfully Edited at the top.
Transcribe Dictation (Has Patient Name Identifier)
Log into Enterprise Health and click on Dictation tab on left sidebar menu.
The screen will open to the All Pending tab of dictation jobs to do that are unassigned. By default, you view only unassigned dictation files. To view All Pending or your Assigned Pending, click on the underlined Assigned or All link right under that chart tab name at the top.
If you wish to grab an unassigned dictation to do, simply click grab. If you wish to assign dictation to someone then use the Select buttons below the list of unassigned dictation (see other instruction pages).
Click Assigned to view the dictation assigned to your username. This is the same view as My Pending tab.
To work on a dictation:
Click [Grab Next Job] towards the middle top of the screen. Or grab next to the specific individual job in Dictation ID that you want to do. This locks the job to you, so no one else can work on the same patient.
The MIEPlayer box will pop-up and automatically start playing. (Unless you have set the config to not automatically start playing each dictation. See instructions in next paragraph.)
The patient’s name will be displayed along with add doc next to the name.
Click add doc link there and it will pop-up the word template that is set to be used for this dictation. This was set when the user selected the job type when dictating. Click on MIEPlayer again to start playing the dictation. Start typing in the template.
For Dictation With No Doc.Type in the MIE Player/Dictation
Now that you have specified the dictation to a patient’s file, click add doc link next to the patient’s name.
Fill out the box of information of service date & location and click Submit.
Then it opens the template. Click on MIEPlayer again to start playing the dictation. Start typing in the template
For Dictation With a Job Type and a Doc.Type in the MIE Player/Dictation
If a job type is specified in the MIE Player for the patient then you can click add doc next to the patient identifier name in the MIE Player and it will automatically pop-up the correct Word template that is tagged to use for this Job Type.
If you right click on the MIEPlayer in the grey area right above the “faster/slower” and scroll to click on config, (See previous pages) there is a box where you can enter the number of seconds you would like to “backup how many seconds on stop”. You can then set it for 2 or 3 seconds so that when you hit stop, you can auto-rewind when starting. To make the MIEPlayer not play the dictation automatically when grabbed/opened, there is an option to make it not automatically play. Un-checkmark the box next to Automatic Play then click the OK box. If this is un-checkmarked, then each time you grab/open a dictation, it will not play automatically. You would initiate play by hitting the foot pedal or using the mouse to click Play on the MIEPlayer.
Jobs do not auto-complete unless you use the ‘grab’ or ‘grab next job’ option. If you do not use the ‘grab’ option, you must click on edit next to each job and change to completed.
When you are done with the dictation in the MIEPlayer, click any of the following options:
- Pending: When you have grabbed a job, it marks it with your user id, then if you click Pending, it will put it in the Pending tab.
- Complete: Marks it completed and places it in the Completed tab.
- Continue: Marks the one you are working in as Completed and then grabs the next job that is in order.
- Archive & Close Encounter: If doing encounter dictation, when done typing you can close & archive the encounter so the physician is saved a step. Then click the close button on the MIE player window.
If you just X out and close the MIEPlayer without selecting any of these status’ then it will automatically put it in the ‘In Progress’ dictation tab. It is still considered open. Please make sure to click the close or complete or done link when all done.
Upload your word template you have typed into.
These work when you have grabbed the next job from the dictation queue and are in the MIEPlayer.
Instead of using your computer mouse to click Pending, Complete or Continue, you can use these keyboard buttons:
- Alt-g then enter = Grab next job (this marks the one you are currently in as completed)
- Alt-c then enter = Continue
- Alt-p then enter = Pending
Releasing a Grabbed Job
You can release a job that you grabbed (prior to completing it) and it will be put back into the pending queue for anyone to grab & complete.
Simply find the dictation job id# that you grabbed in the IN PROGRESS tab.
Click edit to open that dictation job.
In the Transcriber field, it will say your username. Click (release job) link and it will release this job that you grabbed.
It will release the job (put it back into the pending queue) and will display a confirmation message that the dictation was successfully released.
Dictation All Pending Tab
You must have security permission to access the All Pending tab. The All Pending tab shows all pending dictation jobs. This tab gives you the link options to view all pending dictation that is Assigned, Unassigned, or all (every pending) dictation. You will see the links to view assigned, unassigned, all dictation at the top left corner of that opened tab.
If you do not have security permission to view the All Pending tab, that tab will not show up in your view.
If you have permission to view the All Pending tab, but do not have the link options available, then you do not have permission to the next security setting for this tab named Show All/Unassigned dictation jobs.
That is another security permission that would need set.
If you do not have permission to view all & unassigned dictation jobs, the ALL PENDING dictation tab will show only your assigned dictation jobs. You do not have access to view any other jobs in the ALL PENDING queue. You either grab the jobs assigned to you or you click the Grab Next Job link to grab a dictation in the queue (but you can’t see it on your screen as pending.) You can see the total # of dictation jobs that are pending in the ALL PENDING tab name, but you cannot view the specifics of these jobs on your screen.
These above settings are for clients who are concerned about users selecting only certain dictation jobs to pick & choose to do.
The dictation Show All/ Unassigned security permission also affects the My Pending tab. Usually in My Pending you, by default, can see assigned jobs but you can also jump to unassigned and all jobs by clicking on the links. The new security right takes away to view all jobs other than those assigned to you. You are only viewing your assigned jobs. To do a job in the pending queue that is not specifically assigned to you, you would click grab next job.
You can checkmark to select specific pending dictation jobs and assign them out. To do this, checkmark the specific Dictation ID’s and then go to the bottom and select the person in the Assign Selected To drop-down. Then click the ASSIGN button. Any user who is tagged as a member of the transcription department will show in this drop-down as able to assign to.
Dictation Incomplete Tab
This is only available for point & click exam dictation, not regular dictations.
There is an incomplete tab in the dictation tab. This is a security permission to view/access this.
When transcribing from a point and click exam, some dictation may be inaudible or have questions regarding the dictation. The user/transcriber can then click an inaudible button to put it in the incomplete tab and the transcription supervisor can then review their work and make any changes or user can task the provider for clarification and keep the dictation marked in this incomplete tab until then. Another workflow could be for the transcriptionist to make preliminary archive. This creates a document that would be sent to esign (make sure esign rules are set up). The physician would review the document in his/her esign and see the inaudible marking on the document, then he/she would reject the document and type his update in the rejection section. The rejected esign then is tasked back to the transcriptionist (this is default Enterprise Health functionality). The transcriptionist then would go back into the dictation and update it, then archive and close, which would then again send the completed document back to the physicians esign queue. When a dictation job is marked as “incomplete/inaudible” it releases it from being assigned to the transcriptionist.
Dictation Held Tab
Any encounter dictation is ‘Held by the Dictator’ until the encounter exam is submitted. Systems can be setup to have a “Save Exam” and a “Save and Release to Transcription” button, in which case all voice files are held until save and release is clicked. This ‘held’ tab shows held dictations that a physician (dictator) is working on or wants to edit within an encounter exam. The transcriptionist cannot grab the dictation job until the physician releases his dictation.
Dictation Completed Tab
This tab shows the last 4 weeks worth of completed dictations (dictations jobs marked as ‘complete’). It’s limited to the last 4 weeks worth in order to improve the speed that the tab opens. If anything beyond that is needed, the search tab should be used.
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