Deleting an Existing Case


A Case is a full report of a workplace injury, or incident, for an employee (patient). The case is created in an initial visit (encounter), and is then linked to subsequent visits. A case links all follow up visits (encounters), restrictions, accommodations, conditions, and nature of injury information. All of the documents pertaining to the case are grouped together within the chart for reporting purposes. There are several case types, which designate different required fields as well as state specific incident questions and forms. The terms case and incident may be used interchangeably in a system.

Deleting a Case from a Dynamic Encounter

Typically a case would be deleted only if it was keyed in entirely incorrectly or on the wrong patient’s chart.  To delete a case in a chart, one must have security permission to delete cases.

The dynamic encounters offer a Case section.  To see the listing of cases/incidents a chart has while working in an encounter, you must expand the Case section in the encounter.

When expanded, the Case section lists any open case types the chart has existing so the encounter can be linked to an existing case, or offers the ability to create a new case if needed.  This is the summary to track cases (incidents), injuries, specific types (like MSEA or absence management) etc on the patient. From this listing of cases, in the options column you can close a case.

Closing a case is different than deleting a case.  To close a case, please refer to Cases-Closing an Existing Case help documentation.

If your preference to show closed cases is enabled, closed cases will also be listed in the Case section of an encounter.  Closed cases are indicated by having a date in the Conclusion Date column.

To delete a case, click the Delete hyperlink found in the options column of the specified case.

A pop-up window will display to confirm deleting the selected case.  To delete a case, type the word Yes into the confirm box.  Then one must document a reason for deleting the case.  Upon the required fields being filled out, the case will be permanently deleted, all revision history for it along with any links to the case that may be in the chart.

Deleting a case should be taken very seriously and make sure it’s indeed what needs done.

The case deleted will display in the list view with a strikethrough.

Once the Case section of the dynamic encounter is collapsed (or upon ‘next’ button being clicked in the Case section), the system will remove the case from the chart record.

Deleting a Case from the Cases Chart Tab

You can also delete a case from the Cases chart tab when working in a chart.  The Cases chart tab lists all cases for the chart.  This chart tab shows any and all open and closed cases.  It does not show any deleted cases. There is a “show/hide closed” button that will show or hide closed cases from your view based on your preference.

To delete an open or closed case from the Cases chart tab, simply click the Delete link found in the options column on the specified case.

A pop-up window will display to confirm deleting the selected case.  To delete a case, type the word Yes into the confirm box.  Then one must document a reason for deleting the case.  Upon the required fields being filled out, the case will be permanently deleted, all revision history for it along with any links to the case that may be in the chart.

The case deleted will display in the list view with a strikethrough.

Once the Case chart tab is refreshed, or you exit out of the tab, the system will remove the case from the chart record.  When entering back into the Cases chart tab, deleted cases will not be displayed.

Enterprise Health Documentation

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