Device Interface - Clinitek Status+Urine Analyzer
Covered by this topic
The Clinitek Status device interface is compatible with the Clinitek Status Software version lower than 2.0.
Installation Help
Every computer that is connected to a Clinitek device will need to have the MIE Device app installed. A link to this can be found on the top right of the Plugins page. The device will need to be configured via the devices .ini file to use the correct COM port and configuration. There is a silent installer option so that the device app can be pushed to workstations by a managing engine.
Workflow Summary
The device app sits on the PC and is constantly listening for a new test result. When a test result is completed, Clinitek will initiate a transfer of the results into Enterprise Health . Therefore, results get into Enterprise Health without any user interaction. Since results are received one by one upon completion, there is not a batch send option.
Results are stored as discrete observations and summarized in a Lab Result document (WCLAB).
Collected Fields
The following observations are sent from the Clinitek. The abbreviation in parenthesis is the code sent from the device and what is used for obs code mappings.
Albumin (ALB)
Bilirubin (BIL)
Creatinine (CRE)
Glucose (GLU)
Ketone (KET)
Leukocyte (LEU)
Nitrite (NIT)
Occult Blood (BLO)
pH (pH)
Protein (PRO)
Specific Gravity (SG)
Urobilinogen (URO)
The results are stored as discrete observations in Enterprise Health . The reference ranges that display in Enterprise Health are pulled directly from the obs code. The obs code must either match the name of the observations being sent from the Clinitek, or they can be mapped using the ‘Device-Clinitek’ translations. For more information on using the translation manager click here. When results are received from the Clinitek Status device, the observations are inserted into Enterprise Health and a document is created using the WCLAB document type.
Enterprise Health Documentation
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