Review Session - Patient Registration
Covered by this topic
- Patient Registration Demonstration
- E-Chart Overview
- E-Chart
- Patient Registration (Manual)
- Demographics
- E-Chart Photos
- Relationships/User Roles
- Patient Registration (Manual)
- System Configuration
- Partitions and Partition Restrictions
- Resources
Managing patient flow is vital to the effectiveness of any practice. Because of this, the Enterprise Health system provides fast and easily-navigated functionality for searching current charts and documents, as well as for registering all new patients.
Enterprise Health allows users to manually register individuals directly into the EHR by simply adding their demographic and insurance information into the system. Depending on the established processes, registration documents can be provided either before the appointment or during the check-in process, and a patient registrar can then review the submitted documentation, as needed.
As an additional benefit, Enterprise Health automatically detects potential duplicate records and allows merging by authorized users. Not to mention, custom configuration of demographic fields and integration with outside vendors is available as an add-on service, if necessary.
Depending on the needs of the organization, entering and loading demographics can be accomplished manually, through a one-time import, or through HR interface automation. The more efficient and preferred method is importing demographics through an automated import process, or established HR interface. However, the information below will discuss the manual processes to consider when registering charts with the organization.
Patient Registration
As noted, a standard chart is typically created through an established HR interface; however, the customer may manually register new patients by navigating to the E-Chart sidemenu and selecting the Patient Registration tab at the top of the page.
Begin by entering some of the individual’s information:
- Last Name (required)
- First Name (required)
- Date of Birth (required)
- SSN (optional)
Clicking the Search button searches existing charts for any matching records, avoiding the creation of potential duplicate charts. If any of the entered fields match existing information, a match rating will be assigned, and potential matches will display on-screen. Whenever registering new charts, it is important to verify a duplicate chart is not being created.
If the new chart does not retrieve any possible matches, the full registration screen will load. If matches were found, but the chart is unique, simply click the link to continue adding the chart. This will load the registration screen. All of the information that is added upon registration will populate the Demographics of the Admin chart tab. Fill out the registration fields, as appropriate.
When a field is set as a required entry, the field will display with red highlighting. As a default, Last Name, First Name, and Date of Birth are required fields. Required fields can be configured, as needed, and will be scoped and quoted separately, according to the level of effort required.
To view any of the demographic information entered upon registration, navigate to the Admin chart tab of the individual’s chart. The Demographics menu option is available from the Admin chart tab. When Demographics is selected, the page will load all of the information captured upon registration. Quick links are available for modifying or updating this information, as needed.
E-Chart Photos
Once a chart has been registered in the system, a photo of the patient can be manually uploaded, as needed. The Chart Photo function can also be disabled for the system. Simply click the Add Photo link available from either the Summary chart tab or the Demographics chart tab. Browse to the photo needing uploaded. As an option, automating the process of adding photos to charts can be scoped and quoted separately, according to the level of effort required.
Relationships/User Roles
An additional feature of the Enterprise Health system allows for establishing relationships between charts, as needed. Generally, relationships are automatically established when using an HR interface; however, to set a relationship manually, navigate to the Demographics chart tab (or search for the specific user to edit, in Access Control). Establishing a relationship between two charts simply links the charts, designating one as a specified user role (e.g., supervisor) and the other as another type of user role (e.g., employee).
Relationships between other charts (such as EO’s, PO’s, etc) can also be established to a patient/employee chart. This is maintained in the Contacts portlet of Summary chart tab or via edit demographics screen.
System Configuration
Overall, there is minimal setup required for registering new charts within Enterprise Health . One tool, however, is worth consideration when setting up how data is expected to be partitioned in the Enterprise Health system. The Partition Manager is a powerful tool that not only helps determine the best approach for medical record numbers (MRNs) and how data is to be grouped; it also affects several areas of Enterprise Health , including registration, the Document Queue, and interfaces using DataSend Auto Routes.
If having an HR Interface import for demographics, review the edit demographics & demographics/registration screens and see what additional layout fields need captured either manually or inserted and stored from the HR interface. HR Data Mapping will need to be performed by the MIE EDI team.
The Patient Demographic Header and/or grey patient info bar in Enterprise Health can be customized to show specific demographic fields (ex: Medical Anniversary Date or ‘supervisor’ name field or hire date, etc). Identify what demographic data is important for staff to see quickly when working in a chart, vs demographic data that is only visible in other areas such as Demographics tab or Summary tab or grey bar header.
Partition Restrictions
The Partition Manager is used by Deployment Consultants to create, update, and delete partitions, which are used to assign MRNs to charts, among other things. The Partition Manager can be used to set restrictions based on users, departments, or chart types, as needed. For example, a separate partition can be established for a separate entity, or for data from a location in another country, or even perhaps EAP data, industrial hygiene data, or data captured by providers interested in separating out sensitive records.
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