Copy From Previous Exam
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Copy Existing Visits
To copy a prior visit note into today’s exam, select the encounter Copy icon located in the encounter header. A list of Libraries and Existing Visit information displays.
For more information on using libraries, see our online Libraries documentation.
To copy Existing Visit data, click the COPY link next to the Visit information. Click the box with arrow icon to open the prior encounter visit note summary.
Copy from Previous Exam by Encounter Section
For clients on 202209 and newer, a new Copy from Previous Exam icon has been added to the HPI, Review of systems, Physical exam, Patient education and Depart instructions encounter sections.
Click on the Copy from Previous Exam icon in the desired section to pull data from a prior encounter to the current encounter. See an example using the HPI section below.
Same Provider - Same Flowsheet
Select the Same Provider and Same Flowsheet radio button combination (default) to display a list of all prior encounters where the provider and (HPI) flowsheet are the same as used in the current encounter.
Check the box to the left of the source encounter, then click the Copy button to copy data from prior encounter to current encounter.
Click the Yes button to confirm the number of observations that will be copied.
Hint: Click the expand/collapse link to toggle to view/hide more information to be copied.
Hint: If a prior encounter did not collect HPI data, then the list of prior encounters will display a message indicating that there are “no observations” for that encounter.
Same Provider - All Flowsheets
Select the Same Provider and All Flowsheet radio button combination to display a list of all prior encounters for the current provider regardless of the flowsheet used in the (HPI) encounter section. In the example below, a custom HPI flowsheet was used for the 11/28/2022 visit and the 9/5/2022 visit used the standard HPI flowsheet to collect data.
Check the box to the left of the source encounter, then click the Copy button to copy data from prior encounter to current encounter.
Click the Yes button to confirm the number of observations that will be copied.
All Exams - Same Flowsheets
Select the All Exams and Same Flowsheet radio button combination to see all encounters by all providers, where the (HPI) flowsheet is the same as used in the current encounter.
Check the box to the left of the source encounter, then click the Copy button to copy data from prior encounter to current encounter.
Click the Yes button to confirm the number of observations that will be copied.
All Exams - All Flowsheets
Select the All Exams and All Flowsheet radio button combination to all encounters by all providers regardless of the flowsheet used in the (HPI) encounter section.
Check the box to the left of the source encounter, then click the Copy button to copy data from prior encounter to current encounter.
Click the Yes button to confirm the number of observations that will be copied.
Additional features
Use the Collapse all link to collapse all encounters in the search results.
Use the **_uncheck all _**link to uncheck any selected items.
Use the Search Observation field to type in the name of a specific observation used in prior encounter
Smart Plan
For clients on 202309 and newer, the Copy From Previous Exam feature has been added to the Smart Plan. This feature allows providers to copy previous Smart Plan conditions and condition notes into today’s visit note.
Enterprise Health Documentation
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